
Welcome to CISC 1115 - Introduction to Java Programming!

This web-site will provide a basic course outline, syllabus, and anything else that is important for the class. Feel free to email any questions, suggestions, thoughts, etc.

Our course will be using the following textbook:

Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield, Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd Edition, Version 6.1.3, Green Tea Press, 2016, Creative Commons License.

which can be found: here


For this course we will use CodeLab — an online, interactive programming exercise system — for short practice problems that typically consist of a few lines of code that are very narrowly focused on a topic covered in class and are completed and submitted directly in CodeLab.

To Register:

  • Go to
  • Click "Register" and follow the instructions
  • When you fill out the forms, use your Best Email Address and Actual Name
  • When asked for a Section Access Code, enter the following:


  • To Login: Same URL, click "Login" and use your username (email) and password


As previously mentioned, homework/projects are larger, often complete programs incorporating several topics, and give you a better taste of 'real' programming.

These should be coded and tested in the IDE of your choice (e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc.) and submitted to Blackboard by the due date provided.

Each homework will be due about a week and a half (two or three class meetings) after it is assigned unless specified otherwise.

Homework will be listed both here and on Blackboard and MUST be submitted via Blackboard.


  • Homework 0: If I do not have it already, please email me your preferred email address to ensure that you receive any class messages that will be sent out. Also, install Java + the IDE of your choice, and sign into our Codelab course.